Thursday 9 January 2014

Quick Update Regarding Sonata Reviews

OK, I said I'd get back to everyone on this, so here I am!

Details of the new Sonata Arctica album have been revealed and, from the sound of things, the album (titled Pariah's Child) should be released on the 28th of March (which is likely to mean the 31st where I live: the UK gets new albums on Mondays, while the 28th is a Friday). Since this isn't really enough time to sit and analyse the record properly, I shall be doing the review of it in early April. Since I still want to review Sonata's other stuff (as I had to order Unia and The Days Of Greys in the mail in preparation for it), I'll be reviewing them over the course of March.

Let's hope it's a good one! I'm currently blasting the new Iced Earth album and, at least to my ears, 2014 has got off to a pretty good start, both personally (the read through for the play yesterday was a lot of fun, although I think me getting picked to read out the stage directions resulted in it sounding more like an audiobook than an actual play...) and musically!

(As a random question: anyone reckon Sonata Arctica and Iced Earth should do a tour together if they haven't already? Or even a supergroup should be formed with Tim Schaffer and Tony Kakko? Seriously, Kakko on keyboards and backing vocals and Schaffer on rhythm guitars and backing vocals sounds like a solid start to a good supergroup to me! Don't know who I'd put in the other positions if I had to pick, though...if you have any ideas of who you'd like to see in that hypothetical supergroup, feel free to suggest in the comments!)

(Also, the review of Jackson C. Frank's album should be out before this time next week. That said, judging from my previous comments based on a schedule, I seem to be operating on Valve time, so I can only apologise if I turn out to be wrong!)

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